Bee Fujimoto

Burning Sapphire


Name: Bee Fujimoto
Age: 42 years old
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Polyamorous and bonded
Height: 5 fulms 2 ilms/ 5'2"
Job Occupation: Owner of the Crystal Comfort Cafe
Owner of the Starlight Lounge
Culinarian/Hostess/Mother/Seasoned Adventurer
Family: Nao Daito (Son)/ Kenji Daito (Daughter-in-law)/Valle Rehw-Dvre(Husband)/ Master Fujimoto (Mentor)
Home: The Azim Steppe
Languages: Old Auri, Xaelic, Eorzean, Hingan, Doman, and many more. Just ask.
Personality: Calm and sweet and has a motherly attitude towards those younger than her. Will always offer you a warm smile and usually pastries if ya ask nicely.


Bee enjoys listening to other people's stories. Have something on your mind? She'll gladly lend a horn to you if you wish to speak of such things.
As a well versed woman of the culinary arts, any mention of food sets off a spark and she will find a way to talk your ear off about recipes, ingredients and drinks of all kinds. This does always lead her to bringing you to her cafe to enjoy the food she makes so expect an eager invitation.
With age comes some experience and Bee has traveled far and wide across the land. She is always happy to tell you of her ventures and the many places and people she has seen.
Dark Themes
As sweet and caring as the woman is, every rose has its thorns. She will slip away to take care of business meetings and trips without much explanation. Trend lightly and you may come out with a friend, if not...they'll be watching.
Mature Themes
With age comes experience, she is not one to shy away from flirtatious comments and is rather experienced in her sexual endeavors. Something about her catch your eye? Do not be afraid to walk up and take a chance. You might be pleasantly surprised~

Current Partners

Valle Rehw-Dvre

After a the traveling Rava stepped into Bee's cafe on accident one rainy day, their friendship formed into something more quite quickly. A man of flamboyant nature and with a love of music, Valle somehow serenaded his way into the woman's life and he didn't even pull out his harp to do it. Now he wakes up every morning to make pancakes and work side by side with her as a bonded couple.

Family Bonds

Nao Daito

Bee's only child and her beloved son, Nao. A very timid man with a personality as warm as the sun itself, Nao is a total momma's boy and enjoys weekly tea with his mother so they can share stories and gossip. Bee would move a mountain for her boy and has tended to spoil him on occasion with more food than a Roe man can eat.

Kenji Daito

Kenji Daito is Bee's wonderful daughter-in-law and married to her son Nao. Both with the love for baking and the connections they share via the Azim Steppe and similar business backgrounds, Bee and Kenji hold a strong bond between each other.

Master Fujimoto

Bee doesn't talk about her mentor often for personal reasons. A much older highlander woman from the heart of Kugane and one of the trainers for the Sekiseigumi, she is not one to be trifled with or really spoken to. Her mentor is a bonafide hardass and one that taught Bee many lessons in swords, knives and how to forge her own path.


Hello my friend!
My name is Kat and I am 22 years old with she/her pronouns! I have been roleplaying for about 3 years now in the FFXIV RP scene and I am rather chill with most people. Feel free to approach, I promise I do not bite.
CST timezone
I prefer 21+ role-players please. MINORS DNI!!
Bee is currently in a polyamorous relationship with a handful of partners. If you wish to seek any romance with my OC, she is open to it!
I am currently in college and getting a degree in business along with playing a college sport so I am a busy bee! (haha get it?) Please be respectful of my time and I will be respectful of yours. I greatly value my own free time and same with others as well.
Another thing to keep in mind is I own my own rp venues and work at another on an alt character so I will have evenings that I can be found at these venues or if you wish for my time outside of a venue, please just DM me or send me a tell. I am quick to respond and would be happy to set up a day and time.
Discord: katrainthetrain
You can find my venues and the one I work at below!


Here are da RULES
Consent is Key with me. If you have any questions about any subject matter you wish to write with me that you are unsure about, please ask. I am always willing to listen.
Please respect my boundaries with anything that I state I find uncomfortable. This also includes IC does not equal OOC. I am happily single at the moment and do not have time for that so please respect my wishes.
I participate in more mature RP with dark themes sometimes. If you wish to write private scenes with me, you agree that you are 21 or older before we even begin.
I write just about anything from intense battle rp, sexual themed rp which includes BDSM/ kinks if you so desire along with dark themed rp. As long as you communicate what you want with an rp with me and draw boundaries where needed, we can have a great time roleplaying together!
I have a life outside of this game and a college degree to finish so please be respectful of my IRL obligations.

Raef Kett

A quiet yet loving man, Raef is one of Bee's newest lovers, but one she holds dear to her heart. With his love for cooking and his desire for knowledge when it comes to books, Bee found it quite easy to get along with the Viera and soon tumbled into relationship with the man.